sexta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2010

Top 10 - The funniest videos - 3º Place

Hi guys!
Sorry for the delay of the post!
But with this delay, I saw some really cool videos!
By the way, the trip was very good!
I ate chocolate too much in Teresopolis and it was rain in Cabo Frio (I was kind a of Mick Jagger's in that house, because I'm very unlucky. But, I wish it would did not do sun to preserve my skin, ok it was weird, you can laugh of me)

People, please comment to let us know what you think of the blog! To comment, simply go to the end of that post (not go to the end of the page, when I or Lucas finished writing, it is a little bit up the last title. So write what do you think !)

Today's video, is well known, and many people have laughed. But this version is a remix that I even knocked hands with hair, LMAO

Joel Santana's fail !

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